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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Chapter 7: Online Safety and Security

Educating students about how to be safe online is one area I know needs to be addressed at every grade level. As technology changes, so must our teaching about staying safe online. There are organizations which provide online programs that share curriculum ideas and information for parents, teachers and kids. One that I am most familiar with is iSafe, and as mentioned in the text, Get Net Wise has information about internet safety especially for parents.

Of the five actions listed in Chapter 7 I think that installing filters is the main safety action my district employs. During the ASTE Conference in February, I participated in a session about online safety. The facilitator showed us a few public service announcements that are currently being shown on TV which I thought would get the message across to teenagers. "Think Before You Post #1" and "Think Before You Post #2" can be found on Teacher Tube. Click on these links if you'd like to view them.

Just today a teacher and I began discussing a project for her students. Each semester, we usually collaborate on a library research project for all of the “The School to Career” classes. This teacher would really like to learn and teach how to use iWeb to develop web pages for our high school web site. We are going to plan tomorrow how to approach this project. Following the same idea as Vicki Davis’ that is written about in Chapter 7, our plan is for students to research different aspects of internet safety while completing the research project. Then use the information to create an online safety guide using iWeb. The guide can be posted on our high school web site.

This chapter gave me some great ideas about how to address some of the issues we need to face having to do with teaching our students about online safety.

1 comment:

  1. Barb,
    I haven't read this chapter yet but am looking forward to it. We have touched on internet safety with the older students in the library via discussion and a video. With increased technology usage, it will be more important to make some of the internet safety ideas in the chapter included in our lessons.
