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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Week Six: Thing #14

Technorati offers unlimited amount of searching of blogs by tags. I seemed to get the same results searching for "School Library Learning 2.0" and I gather that is the way tags are suppose to work. I liked looking at the most popular photos of the day.

The information attached to this photo is that Goggle may be purchasing Twitter!

The most popular books of the day had to do with finances, roses, and twitter. Tags offer the advantage of searching many blogs for content and discussion of that subject. It is the same old saying, of course, "garbage in, garbage out". If the information is not tagged properly it will not be listed. I also find the huge number of tags overwhelming and I easily get lost reading so many---just like the teenagers I work with!


  1. I looked through a few other posts on "Thing 14" and found comfort in the fact that you also found the tags of Technorati overwhelming.

  2. I am beginning to think that google is out to take over the world in very short order. They have turned into a giant...and that from someone who uses a LOT of google aps. I think google knows more about me than my mother....

    I have to admit that technorati doesn't do it for me. I find that google (yes there they are again) blog search tends to give me a better result.

